云上的记忆[短篇] - 分卷阅读67

At last, the screen froze at the close-up of Si. At this time, many kinds of off-screen voices rang up disorderly:
Lifeguards: He must have been drawn into the sea.
Si’s mother: It was all your fault! You are such a hoodoo! You killed my son!
Si’s father: Don’t say that kind of nonsense!
Voices faded away gradually, the voice of Si’s cry got louder and louder, at last, Si shouted herself hoarse: Yu, where you are!
Scene 4
In the hallway of the hospital, Si and Yuan walked side by side. Every now and then Yuan snatched a look across at Si. And every time Yuan looked at her, Si cast a gracious □□ile in his direction.
Yuan: We must wait a week for the result, right?
Si: Ah, yes.
Yuan: Do……do I resemble your brother?
Si: Yeah.
Yuan (incredulous but longing): So……I have dad and mom like others, and…… (looked at Si) I also has a sister!
Si (□□iled in peace, looked at Yuan with a doting expression in her eyes): Pretty near, you know, you are an orphan……
Yuan(anticipated): What’s more, I was found by the sea, I didn’t remember anything about what had happened and who I am!
Si □□iled in satisfied silence. Yuan scratched his head shyly. He intended to say something but at last hesitated. There was a kind of anxiety in his radiant □□ile.  From then, his heart hung in a quandary.
Scene 5
There were lots of landscapes of this seaside city, accompanied with the sceneries of the two persons’ happy hours. The background music may be some tiny ditty which was romantic and lovely. The actor and the actress didn’t need rehearsals. They must be improvisational. What they ought to show was the real life, the happiness and the love.
Scene 6
At dusk, in the beacon, Si and Yuan leaned on the window and looked at the setting sun on the sea horizon.
Yuan (against the wind and breathed deeply): I want to have a look at them.
Si hesitated f

云上的记忆[短篇] - 分卷阅读67


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